Journal Information
Call for Papers
The Philippine Journal on Education Studies aims to advance scholarship on theoretical and applied studies on teaching and learning, assessment, education governance, learner support, teacher professional development, and education innovations. The PJES publishes papers that systematically capture and analyze the Philippine experience relating to lifelong learning, teaching, education policies, programs and systems. The PJES publications present original ideas and relevant wisdom that are wellinformed by theory, sound methodology, and insightful analyses. It also provides a venue for comparative education studies especially those that include the Philippines.
To prepare for submission, you may access the links below for more information:
1. Instructions to Authors: bit.ly/PJESGuidelinesforAuthors
2. Peer Review Policy and Process: bit.ly/PJESPeerReview
3. The Layout and Publication Procedures: bit.ly/PJESLayoutandPublication
The Philippine Journal on Education Studies will accept submissions through bit.ly/PJESSubmissionForm starting August 15, 2022.
For inquiries, you may email: educ.pjes.upd@up.edu.ph