Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editor’s Note
Dina Ocampo
Enacting Music Curriculum Contextualization in the Philippine K to 12 Curriculum: Negotiations, Constraints, and Mediating Forces.
Abstract: This study problematized the K to 12 music curriculum contextualization policy, and the negotiations, constraints, and mediating forces experienced by selected music teachers in formal music education, given the interactions with informal and non-formal music education. This ethnography analyzed the experiences of 12 music teachers in a town with a long-standing community band tradition. Data were gathered through interviews, focused group discussions (FGDs), surveys, and classroom observations conducted over a seven-month period. Framed from the concept of “policy as practice” of music curriculum contextualization, the findings revealed the music teachers’ negotiations: music listening selections, immersion, and integrative teaching strategies; mediating forces: teachers’ policy understanding and music content knowledge; and constraints: standardized examinations and inadequate school music resources. The study concluded that music contextualization policy should consider practice-informed teacher negotiations on the ground, teachers’ mediating forces, and teacher-identified constraints. Recommendations included community dialogue, adaptations of community band practices in class, and a paradigm shift toward student-led learning and assessment.
Jocelyn T. Guadalupe, University of the Philippines Diliman College of Music Eufracio C. Abaya, University of the Philippines Diliman
Clement C. Camposano, University of the Philippines Visayas
Accessible Education for Muslim Learners with Disabilities: Insights from Two Case Studies.
Abstract: This qualitative research studied the perceptions of Muslim Learners with Disabilities (MLWD) and key informants regarding access to education utilizing case studies and thematic coding. MLWDs strongly identified with their faith as an important feature of identity. Participants were framing disability using the Islamic and the bio-medical perspectives which affirmed the synchronization of Islam with science as well as the affirmation model of disability which viewed persons with disabilities as active participants who constructed their own definitions of disability. Important elements in gaining greater access to education are: having a firm identity, parental attitudes, involvement in the child’s education, having sufficient funds, and providing a nurturing home and community. However, having grit can offset a low parental level of education, low socio-economic status, and low home and community support so that MLWDs can have greater access to education.
Nestor S. Santos, Jr., PhD, Far Eastern University – Manila
Marie Therese Angeline P. Bustos, PhD, University of the Philippines – Diliman
Making Sense of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Practicum Experiences: Perspectives on Teacher Learning.
Abstract: This study aimed to explicitly articulate how one learns how to teach English. Guided by sociocultural perspectives on teacher learning (Johnson, 2009), pre- service English teachers’ practicum experiences were examined to gain insights into how they come to know what they know about language teaching. Ten pre- service English teachers recalled and reflected on their practicum experiences through a semi-structured interview and reflection logs. Their teaching practices were also documented through audio/video recorded classroom observations with a follow-up stimulated recall interview. Making sense of learning experiences during practicum revealed that teacher learning was enabled by the guidance of cooperating teachers, the use of symbolic mediation tools for teaching, and challenges in the teaching-learning environment. Recognizing these aspects of teacher learning can support teacher preparation. Teacher education practices should explicitly integrate them into learning experiences that can prepare pre- service English teachers for the complex realities of practice.
Maria Teresa L. Manicio, Philippine Normal University
Lourdes R. Baetiong, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Internationalization Towards Fostering School Culture of Quality: Practices and Perceived Impact.
Abstract: Across the globe, internationalization has influenced the emphasis of educational institutions on international engagement and standardization aligned with global competencies. As Philippine higher education also aimed for internationalization, many universities were tasked to enhance their quality assurance framework by ensuring sound graduate mobility and strong international linkages. With these changes in education, this current study tried to identify existing internationalization practices and their perceived impact in three selected autonomous universities in the country. This study determined how these practices generated an educational paradigm shift toward a culture of quality through internationalization. Employing a qualitative-descriptive approach, structured online interviews were conducted with selected participants (n=14) closely associated with internationalization policies and initiatives in their respective universities. Based on a thematic analysis, the participants identified strategies involving incentivizing and strengthening of international linkages as effective practices for internationalization. Additionally, participants explained how these practices not only enhanced their skills but also enabled them to have international recognition. The findings provided grounding and insights on how to achieve a culture of quality through internationalization.
John Robby O. Robiños, University of Perpetual Help DALTA-Molino
Holden Kenneth G. Alcazaren, University of the Philippines-Diliman
Characterizing the Application of Mathematical Thinking in Citizen Science.
Abstract: Mathematical thinking is important for citizens to develop not only for academic purposes but also more importantly for participating responsibly in society. This paper describes the features of the application of mathematical thinking processes in citizen science. Mathematical thinking involves processes such as problem-solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. Citizen science, on the other hand, is an emerging research activity in which the public can participate. In contrast to conventional science, individuals in citizen science participate in research activities rather than as subjects of study. Purposive sampling and a grounded theory approach were used in this investigation. In this study, 15 citizen science projects were considered as the sample. The findings suggest that problem-solving and connection are the most commonly practiced mathematical thinking processes in citizen science. Furthermore, the study reveals that individuals involved in citizen science demonstrate problem-solving, reasoning and proof, communication, and representation as primary tasks in the various research activities. Connection, on the other hand, is mostly used as a subprocess. These findings suggest that persons engaged in citizen science can execute all mathematical thinking processes. However, among these processes, problem-solving is the most widely implemented and hence most developed through citizen science.
Abigail B. Gonzales, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Ma. Nympha Joaquin, PhD, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Sheryl Lyn C. Monterola , PhD, University of the Philippines, Diliman
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