Please be informed that the Office of the College Secretary will accept free tuition extension appeals effective Second Semester A.Y. 2020-202 starting 26 January 2021 until 12:00 PM of Wednesday, 10 February 2021 only.
As per Undergraduate Student Admission, Progress, and Welfare (USAPAW) Committee, the following documents should be submitted to educacad.updiliman@up.edu.ph (Subject line: Appeal for extension of free tuition_Surname, First Name):
- Letter of appeal with the following details:
a. Student Number
b. Remaining number of units
c. Year standing/remaining number of semesters in degree program
d. Reason why the student was unable to finish the degree during the expected period (i.e., health reason, work, etc.)
e. Status of settlement of deferred grades, INCs, and 4s (if applicable)
Note: Letter should be signed by parents/guardian (if applicable) and endorsed by the Program Adviser and DCI Chair. - Document/s that would support reason for not finishing the program on time (i.e., medical certificate, work documents, etc.) and proof that the student is working on the settlement of deferred grades, INCs and 4s.
- A print-out/screenshot of most recent grades from ALL semesters generated from CRS (saved as a Word/PDF file)
- Accomplished curriculum checklist that is “Certified Correct” by the Program Adviser. The checklists can be downloaded at https://our.upd.edu.ph/curriculum.html (for 2012-2017 student nos. ONLY). N.B. Student nos. 2011 & below – c/o respective program advisers
Please refer to and be guided by the attached appeals process flow chart. Thank you.