The University of the Philippines College of Education through its Health Education Area celebrated its Health Advocacy, Promotion, and Instruction (HAPI) Days last April 12-15, 2016 with the theme “Nurture Health, Advocate Wellness.”
Dubbed as “Kalusugan Serye,” the 4-day event kicked off with a Run for Health participated by undergraduate students enrolled in EDH classes and faculty alike.
“The event started at around 7:30 in the morning. Before the run, a few minutes were allotted for stretching and warm-up exercises. Students and faculty run around the academic oval wearing messages that promote health. Food and beverages were provided at the end of the run. As evidenced by the smiles on everyone’s faces, the event showed that healthy practices need not be tedious. It can also be fun!”
–Eric Domantay, BEEd Language major , Jessica Ignacio, SPED Major & Vixens Nonato, BEEd Math Major”
It was followed by an announced (1:00 pm) and unannounced (5:45 pm) earthquake drills in the afternoon.

An important objective of the celebration is to raise people awareness on healthy diet, thus free health snacks were prepared and distributed to students, faculty and staff.
Through an exhibit, the different health classes tackled health issues relating to population, nutrition, disease prevention, healthy aging, stress management, physical activity, and importance of sleep.
HAPI Days exhibit focuses on vital issues affecting youth health
There were also free medical and dental services and health lectures during the event. Dr. Raquel Bautista and Dr. Mark Hilario provided free dental consultation while Dr. Maria Sylvia DS. Santos gave free medical advice and served as a resource person on Reproductive Health. Her lecture entitled “Panandaliang Saya, Worth it Ba?” comprehensively discussed the health impact of young people’s sexual behaviors as well as the various ways to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections.
“I realized lots of things because of the talk and I made a promise to myself that I will use wisdom in all decisions that I will make in the future.”
-Cush Ravin E. Jainani, BEEd Science and Health Major”
Dr. Santos reminds students about the consequences of premarital sex and dangers of abortion
Check-up at Chika kay Dok
Ms. Jenny Jade N. Dellosa, a Registered Nurse shared her knowledge on health appraisal procedures. She also discussed self breast examination which is important in the early screening of breast cancer.
“The first part of the lecture focused on measuring the body temperature, respiration, blood pressure and pulse rate. These signs reflect the current condition and state of our body and know what it needs. Abnormalities indicate a possible disease, viral or bacterial infection that might not have been detected otherwise. Having experienced this lecture made me value awareness about my body and made me feel the need to be more mindful about keeping these vital signs in check at all times.”
-Jesse Beryll L. Cheng, BEEd Science and Health Major ”
The second part of lecture dealt on self-breast examination.
“The speaker was very intent in encouraging healthful practices and emphasized on the importance of self-breast examination leading to early detection of breast cancer.”
-Ellice J. Balgos, TEG Major”
In the afternoon, Dr. Florecita Padua lectured on Lifestyle and Allergy. She emphasized the importance of eating smart, the interplay of allergy, lifestyle, environment and their impact on nutrition.
The highlight of the second day is the “Musikalusugan,” a 2-hour variety show filled with songs, dance, zumba and games. Through it, the students realized that advocating health can be done in a creative and fun way.
The Barkada Kontra Droga, a newly-recognized student organization in the university, facilitated the Peer to Peer: Life Skills Training on Drug Prevention. Headed by Ms. Genevieve Allison Alambra, the team prepared several activities to develop communication skills of their peers which is very important in preventing drug abuse.
A new feature of the HAPI Days this semester is the extension of the activity to the community. An EDH class conducted a storytelling session for kids and a lecture-demonstration to parents regarding heat emergencies and musculoskeletal injuries. Participants were from Area 17 of Barangay UP Campus.
A Health Education student demonstrating first aid for muscle cramp
Return demonstration for heat stroke by the participants
“The community outreach gave focus on the community rather than just of the college, something that struck me for I thought that HAPI DAYS only involves the college. Being able to share to the community is a really good experience. I went to the community thinking that the adult group would lack enthusiasm but I was pleasantly surprised to have them so engaged, interested and curious about the discussion.”
-Mary Janelle Fortuno, BEEd Science and Health Major
“It is better to give than to receive. Learning is a two-street. The EDH 115 class conducted an outreach program for the children and adults. An informal interactive – discussion tagged as “ Usaping Pang-unang lunas” on Heat Stroke and other health conditions were tackled. Misconceptions were revealed and clarifications are addressed as well. Flyers were given as supplemental tools in the event.”
– Milo Salvador ,Pauline Sambilay, BS European Language Majors; Angelica Bonot, Ariel De Jesus and Paula Villapando, Education Students
Usaping Kalusugan ukol sa Pang-unang lunas
“Story telling about proper garbage disposal, taking care of the environment and using resources wisely were shared to the children. Games and Arts were also integrated. Through these activities, we had taught and promoted environmental and health awareness among the children. We were glad to see the children learn and have fun at the same time. We are looking forward to take part in the future HAPI DAYS.”
– Ysabelle Elipse, FLCD major, Margarita Mendoza, TEG major, Hannah Obrique, Sped Major, Claire Encio, TEG Major and Ivan Arthur D.C. Decano, FLCD Major
Reflections on HAPI Days by non- educ majors:
“In one word, HAPI DAYS was nakakatuwa and I do genuinely hope that one day it can expand throughout the university to further increase the students’ awareness on health and health issues.
-Angelica Montalbo, Statistics Major
“Being non-education majors, HAPI DAYS was a foreign experience for us. It was a refreshing experience outside our majors…We realized that we have a purpose, outside of merely making money after college. We were also given opportunity to learn outside the classroom and given a better picture of how there is misinformation about health in the community. Lastly, but definitely not the least, we realized that no matter your social status or standing is health truly is wealth.”
– Wulmar Cerio, Philosophy Major; Kara Mei Herrera and Javier Lopez, BS Economics Majors
With HAPI Days as a regular event, the students, faculty, and staff of the College commit to make wellness a way of life. Cheers to health!
We acknowledge all EDH classes, our resource speakers, Brgy UP Campus officials, UP College of Education staff and fellow health advocates. Thank you very much…until our next HAPI DAYS!!!