Guidelines on Online Defenses

I. Outline Defense

  1. Application for Outline Defense

    • For the students: Please make sure that Form 2 – Application for Designation of a Research Adviser has been completed and an Adviser has been assigned before accomplishing Form 3 – Application for Designation of an Outline panel.

      1. The student and adviser communicate by phone, online, or face-to-face regarding the status of the proposal.

      2. The research panel is formed in consultation with the adviser. The student coordinates with the adviser and panel members to ask for their preferred schedule and modality either face-to-face or online platform (e.g., Zoom, Google Hangouts, Viber, FB Messenger, etc.) for the defense.

      3. Once a schedule has been set, the student accomplishes Form 3 – Application for Designation of Outline Panel (Download form from The student will ask the adviser to sign/endorse the application form for the defense.

      4. The student emails the accomplished and signed Form 3 to the Office of the Division Chair ( for the Division of Curriculum and Instruction while ( for the Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services and have the signature of the Division Chair in the Form 3.

        Note: Form 3 must be submitted at least a week before the target scheduled defense. The student should also include the following details of any external panel member (name of the addressee, position/ designation for the letter of invitation).

      5. The Office of the Division chair forwards Form 3 to the Office of the College Secretary – to be referred to as OSec ( The Osec staff will prepare the necessary documents for the Outline Defense, including an announcement of the defense, which will be posted on the UPCEd website and social media accounts.
  2. Before the Outline Defense

    1. The student must send to panel members a soft copy of the proposal at least a week before the scheduled defense.

    2. The adviser or student will host the defense through the chosen online platform. The details of defense (i.e., meeting ID and password for Zoom or link to the meeting for Google Hangout) must be emailed to the panel members before the scheduled defense.

    3. The OSec prepares the announcement of the outline defense to be approved by the Dean.

    4. The Osec will post the announcement of the outline defense in the College website and FB page.

    5. The OSec emails Form 4 (Report of Outline Defense) to the panel members one day before the defense.
  3. During the Outline Defense

    1. The adviser or student prepares the “online meeting room”.

    2. The adviser records the comments and suggestions made by the panel.

    3. The panel members decide on the result of the defense (Approved, Conditionally Approved, or Fail). The student should not be in the “online meeting room” while panel members discuss and make their decision.

    4. The adviser instructs the student to go back to the “online meeting room” for the
      panel’s decision.
  4. After the Outline Defense

    1. Each panel member accomplishes Form 4 with the necessary information and the result/rating of the defense.

    2. The panel members email the accomplished Form 4 to the adviser within the first working day after the defense.

    3. The adviser emails Form 4 of all panel members, together with the consolidated comments and suggestions, to the OSec via email ( also within the first working day after the defense.

    4. The adviser discusses with the student the consolidated comments and suggestions
      of the panel members.

II. Oral Examination

  1. Application for Recommendation of a Critic/Reader

    1. The student and adviser communicate by phone, online, or face-to-face regarding the status of the thesis or dissertation.

    2. If the thesis or dissertation is ready for oral examination, the adviser accomplishes Form 5 – Recommendation for the designation of a critic-reader (Download form from: and sends it to the OSec (

    3. The OSec prepares the designation paper of the Critic/Reader to be approved by the Dean. A copy of which will be sent to the adviser, critic reader, and student.

    4. The student sends a polished digital draft to the designated Critic/Reader as soon as the adviser gives the go signal.

    5. The student incorporates revisions suggested by the Critic/Reader and waits until the latter certifies that the paper is ready for oral examination.
  2. Application for Oral Examination

    1. If the student is ready for an oral examination, the Critic/Reader contacts the student and adviser and coordinates with them regarding the schedule of the oral examination and the online platform to be used (if applicable). At this point, the student shall contact the other panel members to get a consensus about the schedule and the online platform to be used (if applicable).

    2. The Critic/Reader accomplishes Form 6 – Certification that the paper is ready for the oral examination (Download the form from: as well as Appendix B – Thesis/Dissertation Readiness Certification (sent together with the appointment as Critic/Reader) then send to the student.

      Note: The student must send to panel members a soft copy of the thesis or dissertation two (2) weeks before the scheduled oral examination.

    3. The student sends the signed and accomplished Form 6 and Appendix B to the OSec through email ( The panel members shall confirm their approval of the schedule of the defense and their receipt of the manuscript through Form 6.

    4. The Osec staff will prepare the necessary documents for the Oral Defense which will be approved by the Dean. An announcement is posted on the UPCEd website and social media accounts.

    5. The OSec emails Online Form 7 (Report of Oral Examination and Report of Oral Examination to the OVCAA) and Appendix A (Rubric for Oral Defense) to the panel members at least one day before the scheduled oral examination.
  3. During the Oral Examination

    1. The adviser or student prepares the “online meeting room”.

    2. The panel will choose a Chairperson at the start of the defense. While the adviser records the comments and suggestions made by the panel.

    3. The panel members decide on the result of the examination (Pass, Provisional Pass, Fail). The student should not be in the “online meeting” room while panel members discuss and make their decision.

    4. The adviser instructs the student to go back to the “online meeting room” to be informed of the panel’s decision.
  4. After the Oral Examination

    1. Each panel member accomplishes Online Form 7 with the necessary information and the result/rating of the oral examination.

    2. The panel members email the accomplished Online Form 7 to the adviser within the first working day after the examination.

    3. The adviser emails Online Form 7 of all panel members, together with consolidated comments and suggestions, to the OSec via email ( also within the first working day after the examination.

    4. The adviser discusses with the student the consolidated comments and suggestions of the panel members.

    5. The student must polish the paper further by addressing the comments and suggestions of the panel members.

    6. Instead of submitting the unbound copy of the final thesis or dissertation, a soft copy with the signed Approval sheet must be emailed to the OSec within the designated period set by the Office (refer to the College academic calendar posted on the website).

    7. The student waits until the paper is approved by the UPCEd faculty in a General Faculty Assembly.

    8. The student makes necessary revisions, if applicable.

    9. The student submits bound copies with signed approval sheets (by panel members)
      and the publishable article on the date announced by the OSec.

List of downloadable forms:

*Based on UPCEd existing procedures on outline defense/oral examination, sample guidelines on online defense from OVCAA, and consolidated feedback from UPCEd ExeCom.