UP College of Education COVID-19 Online Materials

Here is a list of online materials regarding COVID-19 that the UP College of Education has prepared. Please feel free to share these through your social media platforms.

1. COVID-19 Dictionary for Children in English and Filipino:

English: bit.ly/fbupcedcoviddictionaryenglish
Filipino: bit.ly/fbupcedcoviddictionaryfilipino

2. Tips on staying holistically well while on quarantine: bit.ly/fbupcedholisticallywellbit.ly/fbupcedholisticallywell1

3. Messages of for Covid-19 Patients and Frontliners from UPIS students: bit.ly/fbupcedupiscards

4. An alphabet guide to staying sane while on quarantine: bit.ly/fbupcedalphabetquarantine

5. Cutting the COVID-19 infection chain in multiple Filipino languages: bit.ly/fbupcedmothertonguecovid

6. Counselor Education Area’s COVID-19 helpdesk: bit.ly/fbupcedcovid19mentalhealthbuddy

The same materials mentioned above are also posted in our Twitter and IG accounts:

Twitter: twitter.com/upcollegeofeduc

Instagram: instagram.com/upcollegeofeduc

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