Filing of Candidacy for College of Education Student Council Elections
Period: May 4-12, 2021
I. Positions: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, 9 councilors (elected-at-large)
Note: The College Representative to the University Student Council should submit requirements to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs.
II. Qualifications:
Every candidate for the CSEC, must before the elections:
a. be a bona fide student of the College of Education;
b. be in academically good standing in the College;
c. carry the normal load prescribed in the College;
d. not have been found guilty of any disciplinary action in the College or the University;
e. still have two (2) or more semesters to enrol in the College
In case the candidate does not meet the qualification/s “2” or/and “3,” a certification, duly signed by their College Secretary (or their duly authorized representative), that s/he is currently taking academic units during the semester of the elections should be secured.
III. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers:
Please access the UP CEd Student Council Constitution:
IV. Documents/Requirements to be submitted:
a. Duly accomplished Certificate of Candidacy (USEB Form 1)
b. Duly accomplished Personal Information Sheet (USEB Form 2)
c. A political party/Individual platform (General and Specific Program of Action)
d. Office for Student Ethics Clearance/Certification of No Pending Case (To request:
*Download the forms at
**Please take note that processing of academic, residency, and conduct eligibility (on USEB Form 1) of prospective candidates will be facilitated by the Office of the College Secretary.
Submit all documents to the Office of the College Secretary: on or before 5pm of May 12, 2021.
V. Calendar of Activities: