Extension of Residence (Graduate)

I. Appeal Cut-off for Extension of Residence and/or Readmission

Deadline for the 2nd Sem 2024-2025Deadline for Midyear Term 2025Deadline for the 1st Sem 2025-2026
14 October 2024, Mon*14 March 2025, Fri*11 April 2025, Fri**
* Approved during the UPCEd Faculty Referendum held 09-12 July 2024
** Approved during the 20 January 2025 CEd Faculty Assembly

II. Information about the Maximum Residence Rule

The Maximum Residence Rule (MRR) states that students who fail to finish the requirements of a degree program of any college within a prescribed period of actual residence shall not be allowed to register further in that college. Under meritorious cases, extension of residency may be granted. The faculty of each college shall designate the approving authority for such extensions. Each extension granted shall be reported to the Chancellor through the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. (MAXIMUM RESIDENCE_Undergraduate.pdf – upd.edu.ph, 2014 UPD General Catalogue)

In exceptionally meritorious cases, extensions of residence beyond the above regular period of completion may be approved by the Dean/Director upon the recommendation of the appropriate bodies.

Each extension shall be for a period not exceeding one (1) calendar year at a time. In no case shall the extensions exceed more than five (5) years. The student granted an extension shall take additional units of graduate courses in his/her discipline or area during the extension period at the rate of three (3) units for every two (2) years of extension or a fraction thereof. (General Rules for Graduate Programs, 2014 UPD General Catalogue)

  1. Who needs to appeal for MRR Extension effective Second Semester 2024-2025`?

    • Graduate Students (those in the MAEd and PhD Ed programs) who entered their program in the 1st Semester of the Academic Years specified in the MRR Computation Tables below.

    • Students who entered their program in the 2nd Semester who have not applied for MRR extension and have no previously approved appeals granted since 2nd Semester 2019-2020 until 2nd Semester 2024-2025.

    • Undergraduate students with Student Numbers that start with 2017 and older, who have not been granted an extension of residence.
  2. MRR Computation Tables

Since 2nd Semester 2019-2020, AY 2020-2021, and AY 2021-2022 are not included in the reckoning of residence toward the Maximum Residence Rule (MRR), there might have been changes in the computation of your extension status (which also affect the time to take the additional graduate courses). Kindly refer to the MRR Computation Tables that follow. You may also request for assistance from your Adviser and/or the OSec team.

MAEd Students who entered their program in the given semesters:

MRR Extension to Be AppealedSemester/AY that the student entered the MAEd Program (5 years of regular residence)
1st MRR Extension2nd semester 2017-2018
2nd MRR Extension2nd semester 2016-2017
3rd MRR Extension2nd semester 2015-2016
4th MRR Extension2nd semester 2014-2015
5th MRR Extension2nd semester 2013-2014

PhD Ed Students (with MAEd in the same major) who entered their program in the given semesters:

MRR Extension to Be AppealedSemester/AY that the student entered the PhD Ed Program (6 years of regular residence)
1st MRR Extension2nd semester 2016-2017
2nd MRR Extension2nd semester 2015-2016
3rd MRR Extension2nd semester 2014-2015
4th MRR Extension2nd semester 2013-2014
5th MRR Extension2nd semester 2012-2013

PhD Ed Students (with a different MA than their PhD Ed major) who entered their program in the given semesters:

MRR Extension to Be AppealedSemester/AY that the student entered the PhD Ed Program (8 years of regular residence)
1st MRR Extension2nd semester 2014-2015
2nd MRR Extension2nd semester 2013-2014
3rd MRR Extension2nd semester 2012-2013
4th MRR Extension2nd semester 2011-2012
5th MRR Extension2nd semester 2010-2011

C. When are additional graduate courses (penalty courses) taken?

  • 1st and 2nd Extension of residence – 1st additional graduate course
  • 3rd and 4th Extension of residence – 2nd additional graduate course
  • 5th Extension of residence – 3rd additional graduate course

Please consult your adviser regarding this matter.

III. Appeal Process for Readmission &/or Extension of Residence

A. General Requirements

  1. A LETTER OF APPEAL with the subject: APPEAL FOR EXTENSION or as applicable, APPEAL FOR EXTENSION AND READMISSION. Kindly indicate the number of appeals previously submitted.





Instructions in writing the Letter of Appeal:

  1. Who to address the Letter of Appeal and endorsement
    • First, Second and Third Appeals for Extension are to be addressed to the Officer-in-Charge, College Secretary, Dr. Joel C. Javiniar. Your letter of appeal needs to be signed by your Program/Research Adviser under the words, “Endorsed by:”.
    • Fourth and Fifth Appeals for Extension are to be addressed to the Graduate Student Admission, Progress and Welfare (GSAPAW) Chair, Dr. Jaclyn Marie L. Cauyan. Your Research Adviser will need to write a separate endorsement/justification letter; thus, allow ample time before the due date for them to write one.
  2. The Letter of Appeal must:
    • Provide information such as your student number, program (indicate whether MA or PhD), first entry into the program, and your contact number and email address.
    • Clearly indicate your current status/accomplishment in the program e.g. approved outline/conditional approval, work in preparation for outline defense, data gathering, and/or your progress in your implementation of research and data analysis.
    • Briefly disclose reason/s for going beyond the MRR.
    • State how you have used the previous extension given (when applicable).

A timetable prepared in consultation with your Program Adviser. Format found at this link: https://educ.upd.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/MRR-TIMETABLE.pdf


An updated accomplished Program of Study / Curriculum Checklist checked and verified by your Program Adviser. 

  2. GRADES GENERATED VIA CRS (printed copy or screenshot).

B. Other requirements for those returning from AWOL/LOA:

  1. If returning from AWOL/LOA, please disclose all activities (i.e., trips local and abroad, enrollment in courses or institutions, etc.) undertaken during the term/s that the student is not enrolled.
  2. If returning from AWOL/LOA and the reason is health-related, a copy of medical certificate.
  3. If returning from AWOL/LOA and the reason is financial concerns (i.e., student had to work), a certificate of employment.

C. Additional requirements for those appealing for a 4th and 5th Extension of Residence

  • FOURTH APPEAL:  The student must have an APPROVED OUTLINE
  • FIFTH AND FINAL REQUEST: Proof that a student is already at the writing stage or has at the minimum, the research data needed to write a paper.

D. Procedure for Submitting Appeals for Readmission and Extension of Residence

  1. Prepare all requirements indicated above for submissions. Incomplete submissions will not be processed. Please:
    1. make sure that all information specified in all submitted documents (i.e., letter of appeal, Student Directory, supporting papers, etc.) is true and accurate. Inaccurate information in official documents is considered an offense.
    2. be reminded that submitted documents are subject for verification. Submission of spurious or tampered documents is also considered an offense.
  2. Email all the required documents to educadmissions.updiliman@up.edu.ph with subject line: MRRExtension_Surname, Name (i.e., MRRExtension_Dela Cruz, Juan) or (Readmission_Dela Cruz, Juan)
  3. Patiently wait for the email from the Office of the College Secretary (OSec) regarding the result of your appeal. The Office processes numerous requests and appeals; hence, please give the staff time to evaluate and verify the submitted documents.