The College of Education is holding its first face-to-face comprehensive examinations for its doctoral students since the start of the pandemic in 2020.
According to the official data from the Division of Curriculum and Instruction (DCI) and Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services (DELPS), four students are taking their comprehensive examinations on three Monday mornings this month.

The examinations started on November 7 and will continue on November 14 and 21.
DCI Chair Prof. Leonor E. Diaz said that 1 student each from Educational Foundations (ASE), Science Education, Math Education, and Educational Research areas are taking their comprehensive examinations this semester.
Prof. Diaz said that strict observance of health and safety protocols was emphasized in the conduct of the examinations.
She added that all examinees opted to take their examinations by handwriting although they had the option to take their tests on a computer.
Two faculty and three staff members are in charge of overseeing the tests. The examinations are taking place in Room 109 of the College.