??????? ??? ????????? ?????????????/?????????. We are featuring the BRAC’s AKAP Bangsamoro, TrompaAralan and Inang Guro in our next webinar.
The Educ+Collab Web Forum Series will have its second session via Zoom and Facebook Live on November 6, 2021, 9:00 AM – 12: 00 NN.
For this session, the discussion will focus on the question: How can public school and community-based teachers innovate their practice to make quality and equitable education accessible to learners in far-flung areas during the pandemic?
Educ+Collab Web Forum Series is organized by the UP College of Education (NFE Area), Plan International, and BRAC.
Register now at bit.ly/EducCollabSession2
Let us collaborate and learn from each other’s innovative approaches to education!
We hope to see you there!
#EducCollab #EquityEduc #ParaSaBata
For queries, please contact Asst. Prof. Maria Mercedes Arzadon (MA NFE Program Coordinator) mearzadon@up.edu.ph