In Celebration of Diliman Month, the Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services (DELPS) of the UP College of Education organized DELPS Public Lecture 1 last February 28, 1:00-5:00 pm, at the Benitez Theatre of the College of Education. This free public symposium featured lectures by professors from the said Division. Dr. Jose Pedrajita of the Research and Evaluation Area lectured on Designing Action Research, Prof. Elenita Que of the Educational Technology Area talked about Designing Technology-Enhanced Instruction, Prof. Lorelei Vinluan of the Guidance and Counseling Area discussed Enhancing Students’ Adversity Quotient through Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), while Dr. Jerome Buenviaje of the Educational Administration Area lectured on The Dynamics of Work Passion Among Educational Administrators. The successful lecture series was attended by around 340 participants from various Teacher Education Institutions. In attendance too were other DELPS faculty members like Prof. Jaclyn Cauyan and Dr. Sherlyne Acosta.