
Kapampangang Talabaldugang COVID-19 Para Karing Anak a Pilipinu

Daun ne karing anak at karelang pamilya ning Reading, Early Grades, Art at Language Education (REGALE) cluster ning UP College of Education ing Kapampangang Talabaldugang COVID19 Para Karing Anak a Pilipinu. Asahan ming makasaup ya ining talabaldugang ini bang aintindian do ring anak ding salitang konektadu king pandemyang araranasan tamu. Gewa miya ing talabaldugan king […]

Application for Student Teaching for First Semester 2020-2021

TO ALL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION INCOMING STUDENT TEACHERS (Undergraduate Program) for 1st Semester 2020-2021      Kindly consult with your program area adviser for an assessment of your current academic status: Must have completed all academic requirements Accomplished 6 units of Philippine Studies Requirement (GE) Must be in good standing no grade of: INC, DROP, 4 […]

Advisory from the Office of the College Secretary (July 10, 2020)

The Office of the College Secretary will be closed from July 13-17, 2020. There will be no face-to-face transactions during this period. Please transact with us through the following email addresses: General Inquiries Admissions-related concerns  Document requests Enrollment concerns Academic-related concerns We will do our best to attend to your […]